Jan Russell


A long-time employee of Singleton Medical Centre and Skin Clinic Jan has seen much change since 2010 when she joined the Practice.


Having relocated from Gunnedah in 2007 with a young family, Jan has worked across a number of fields including Ophthalmic Surgery and General Practice.

Over the years Jan has developed a skillset that enables her to effectively step into different roles within the business.

Career interests

Jan is a valuable team member, a stickler for getting things right and loves a good step by step procedure. Over her tenure she has worked in a number of roles having started in reception and now heading up our accounts department.

Jan has a passion for learning new things which has seen her push herself outside her comfort zone to further growth and development in the workplace.

If you want an overdue invoice paid ‘Jan’s your girl!!

Personal Interests

Although Jan talks about retirement and travel and lists them as her career interests I think she secretly loves coming to work.

But gardening and spending time with grandkids is what really lights Jan up, just ask her 😊

She is passionate about family time and loves nothing better than getting her entire extended family together.

Having recently purchased a van Jan and Jimmy have set off exploring our country (when we let her) and relishing this special time with family and friends.

Fun Fact

Jan is the ultimate in the one liner and tells a great dad joke.

She also knows how to fall off a chair really really well.

Our Team

Dr Mark Chernoff

GP VMO in Emergency Medicine and General Surgery, Rural Generalist, Skin Cancer Physician

Dr David Woods


Dr Mitchell Tanner

FRACGP, GP VMO in Emergency Medicine, Rural Generalist

Dr Tim Howell

BA/LLB, B nursing MBBS

Dr David Martini

General Practitioner

Rebecca Claassens

Practice Nurse / Registered Nurse

Siobhan Tranter – Brown

Practice Nurse / Registered Nurse

Elizabeth Brewster

Registered Nurse

Hayley Ingold

Practice Manager

Emmalee McSorley

Medical Receptionist

Emma Walters

Medical Receptionist

Chloe Graham

Medical Receptionist

Tiarne Bayley

Medical Receptionist

Tanaea Chapman

Medical Receptionist

Jana English

Medical Receptionist