Dr David Woods


Dr Woods has practiced medicine in the Singleton area for many years and is a welcome addition to the team following the amalgamation with Civic Medical in July 2024.


Diploma of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia (DipRGA), 2022

The Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists

Fellowship of Royal Australian College of General Practitioners – Rural Generalist

(FRACGP-RG), 2022

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Fellowship in Advanced Rural General Practice (FARGP), 2017

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP), 2017

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Joint Consultative Committee Certificate of Anaesthesia (JCCA), 2015

Joint consultative committee of Anaesthesia

Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), 2008 – 2011

University of Notre Dame, Sydney, NSW, Australia   

Bachelor of Biomedical Science, 2005 – 2007

University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia


Dr David Woods graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine / Bachelor of Surgery as part of the inaugural intake of students into the post graduate medical program at the University of Notre Dame Sydney in 2011.  He completed his intern and residency years within the local Hunter New England Health District before completing his additional training in Anaesthesia and General practice.

Since 2015 Dr David Woods has been a dedicated rural general practitioner in private clinical practice and the entirety of his career to date has been spent within the Hunter Valley.

Dr Woods holds additional visiting rights at Singleton district hospital, Muswellbrook district hospital and Scott memorial hospital in Scone. He has been a visiting medical officer in emergency medicine, internal medicine and anaesthesia since 2015.  In these roles he provides clinical care to patients requiring emergency care, inpatient hospital treatment and elective or emergency anaesthesia for a wide range of surgical procedures.

Career interests

Dr David Woods enjoys the vast scope of clinical practice in providing comprehensive medical care to all members of the family. He particularly enjoys the interface that rural general practice provides between outpatient clinic-based care and escalating that to local hospital-based care when required.  This holistic approach of his medical practice ensures an appropriate level of care is always available to the patient.

Perioperative medicine is also of particular relevance to Dr Woods and he takes great pride in ensuring pre operative optimization, the delivery of safe anaesthesia and appropriate post operative care are afforded to all patients he encounters in this clinical context.

Personal Interests

David is settled in the Hunter Valley with his young family and is kept busy following his children as they chase their sporting pursuits.

Fun Fact

We hear David is a bit of a whiz on the tennis court

Our Team

Dr Mark Chernoff

GP VMO in Emergency Medicine and General Surgery, Rural Generalist, Skin Cancer Physician

Dr Mitchell Tanner

FRACGP, GP VMO in Emergency Medicine, Rural Generalist

Dr Tim Howell

BA/LLB, B nursing MBBS

Dr David Martini

General Practitioner

Rebecca Claassens

Practice Nurse / Registered Nurse

Siobhan Tranter – Brown

Practice Nurse / Registered Nurse

Elizabeth Brewster

Registered Nurse

Hayley Ingold

Practice Manager

Jan Russell


Emmalee McSorley

Medical Receptionist

Emma Walters

Medical Receptionist

Chloe Graham

Medical Receptionist

Tiarne Bayley

Medical Receptionist

Tanaea Chapman

Medical Receptionist

Jana English

Medical Receptionist